Focus on self-study first, if you want to be a great translator

Translation is such a field, which demands a keen interest to polish source language, learn a second language known as target language, do hard work and dedicate yourself towards your responsibility. Once a person collects all these items in his mind, he needs to do self-study about translation.
Scores of new words are coined daily to adjust their meaning in multiple languages, especially foreign languages like Arabic, Czech, German, French, Urdu and Hindi etc. Learning these new words and giving them a place in a language is a challenging task. Sometimes, vocabularies and encyclopedias are also not enough to understand a word. So you don’t have a choice but practice everything that come in your way.
The more you do, the more you will learn. Translation agencies have number of freelance translators or linguists in their database but it doesn’t mean every single translator will get a project.
The choice of selection depends on quality of work and quick submission of the project.
To check the quality of translators, client prefers a sample translation. Sometimes, translators having years of experience are not able to crack the test and new comers are able to get the project.
This is not because the translators are not serious about the translation work. It depends on how much knowledge a translator has about a particular topic.
A well-qualified translator having years of experience in a medical translation is not able to provide a smooth legal translation, as both fields are quite different from each other.
But, there is a basic concept of translation. When a source language is converted into a target language, the translation should look original and should be as simple as possible for the target audience.
So, don’t forget to read newspapers and magazines on topics which interests you a lot. The more you study, the more you will learn.