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Field Castro, the leader who always opposed America

Field Castro, known for his strict remarks against US policies, which is still clear from the mouth of newly elected US president Donald Trump, was 17th President of Cuba.

Field Castro is considered one of the most political figures not only in Cuba but all over the world for his political strategies and statesmanship to make Cuba a single party socialist state and carried out number of policies and amended laws and regulations to nationalize the business and trades.

Field Castro served the country as a Prime Minister and President from 1959 to 1976 and 1976 to 2008 respectively.

Field Castro is known for his outspoken political views and revolutionary remarks against American dictatorship but America also accused him for being a dictatorship who suppressed so many voices against his government.

To give the final tribute to Field Castro, nine days of mourning was announced across the nation; though the flags are already down to the pole, but amid condolences and tributes there are some hot remarks from world leaders and one of them is none other than newly elected president of America, Donald Trump, who said that Field Castro was nothing but a brutal dictator.

Field Castro is considered a great icon of 20th century and he is known as a Hero in Arabic nations for defying United States for decades.

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